Mr Bush
WWW: Good attempt to contextualise your study with historical examples.
EBI: You need to start with contemporary examples. Add more book references.
WWW: Good uses of theory and well-analysed.
EBI: Deeper analysis after stating the theory.
WWW: Used a lot of media language and representations, spoke about audiences and linked it to theories.
EBI: Add more institutions.
WWW: Great use of quotes within the analysis.
EBI: Focus further upon Economical texts.
Kiran D:
WWW: Good use of theory, spoke about the impact Hip-Hop has on the younger generation which links to debates, good use of research.
EBI: Include more Marxism and Hegemony theory and the effects of globalisation on the media.
WWW: Good number of foot-notes.
EBI: Use more book references, follow format, sort out font sizes.
WWW: Loads of foot notes.
EBI: get dates, label foot notes.
Intro: This has been clearly shown on younger teenagers who have copied what artists in contemporary Hip-Hop music showcase. This links to blumler and katz as these youths feal as if they have the personal identity with the artists. Due to youths feeling on the same 'level' as such with them and to impress their peers.
Conclusion: Such as the use of 'Iconography' depicted in rappers and music videos of knives, guns and so on. This therefore encourages younger teens to copy these artists and use it in reality. Therefore, in society, there is a moral panic (stanley cohen) due to parents who bring up their children and will be afraid of what they will be.