Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Presentational feedback

  • How your research contributed (or failed to contribute) to the presentation
As my question was 'How do artists in the music industry influence the youth and the society?' My research contributed to the presentation as I talked about a range of things such as target audience which was the youth in this case. For example, I talked about youngsters would look up to their role models such as Bruno Mars and how he talks positive within his music however, when it comes to his personal life, it was well known that he was a cocaine addict and this leads to binary opposition as it is a constant battle between good and bad. The society may argue about him being a good role model or not for the youth.

Some of my research that I failed to contribute was that I talked about the positive sides of some artists such as Eminem but I didn't talk about his negatives such as his alter-ego of Slim Shady and some of the things he's done in his past and some spiteful lyrics which would get society to see him in a negative way, however the target audience of the younger generation would still see him as 'badass' and still a good role model. 
  • The delivery of the presentation
I believe that the delivery of my presentation was fluent and confident as I made direct eye contact with the audience and I faced them 
  • The topic area chosen
  • How you plan to develop the presentation into an extended academic essay

Www ebi

Www: well designed slides, both sides of argument, wide range of examples, good use of images, textual analysis, very fluent. 
Ebi: more terminology, more depth, include conclusion. 

Monday, 23 September 2013

Homework #2

Ignore the GTA 5 sceptics: adults do play video games?

Link: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/sep/20/grand-theft-auto-5-adult-gamers

This article was written by a 42 year old man, therefore I believe that this article was biased because he might like to play video games and has a different take on this subject. As quoted 'When I am feeling less reasonable, the "do adults really play these things?" comment really gets to me. Partly this is because I am 42 and I review these things for a living. I've dealt with my insecurities about this before, but to have people questioning the mental faculties of mature gamers is something of a personal slight. But it's not just that. It's something else. Something more important. '

He also believes that adults share video games with their families and their children etc. And that they learn new things everyday from video games just besides the violence.

Gamescom: visitors play Fifa 14 on the Xbox One


Digital Media

The Guardian:
Ghost: the UK blogging platform that won't and can't sell out to Facebook
Link: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/sep/23/ghost-uk-blogging-platform-facebook

Ghost is a new  blogging platform which offers a simple, clean and free publishing tool for independent bloggers. John O'Nolan is one of the few people in the world to turn down $1BN from the Facebook producer Mark Zuckerberg. O'Nolan stated "If Facebook came to me tomorrow, and said ‘here’s $1bn, we want to integrate Ghost into Facebook’ … no matter what the human side of me wants to do, I cannot.” He added “We don’t want to make millions,” he says. “I personally, categorically do not want to make millions. I had huge ambitions for making a million before I was 25, the start-up dream… but then I realised if I had a lot of money, I would buy a Lamborghini and a house, and six months later I would just be bored.”
The Ghost UI

My View:
O'Nolan wants to be target high end audiences; well known brands/companies such as CNN, The Times & The Guardian, if he's successful with his product. However, to start off with, he wants to start approaching beginners. The ultimate question here is 'How will be keep the platform easy to use for beginners and will it still be powerful enough for large enterprises?' Also, by rejecting Zuckerberg for $1bn, did he make a wise move or not?